Basic Game Rules. Op-s or Milsim games have additional rules.
Airsoft game rules Jan 2025. There is NO smoking in the staging area garage, or in buildings on the field and Village. While out on the field, watch for the following hazards- poison Ivy, Deer Ticks, foxholes, trenches, stairs. Bio bbs required. Full face mask for those under 18. Mesh lower with attached goggles NOT ACCEPTABLE for under 18. Full seal goggles or face mask must be rated ANSI Z 87.1. Weapons must be chronographed at the following limits- using .20 bbs - Up to 400 fps, no restrictions (full auto allowed) 400-450, semi only, 50 feet minimum DMR. (designated marksman) 450-500, bolt only, 100 feet min.. Maximum FPS is 500. Gas Blow back and HPA rifles/weapons may use .30 and must chrono 327 FPS for normal speeds and 408 FPS for snipers. These will give you energy outputs equal to 400/500 with .20 bbs. Rate of Fire must NOT exceed 30 RPS (Rounds Per Second). Barrel Blockers MUST be on all weapons in the STAGING AREA, pistols may be holstered. Once a weapon is OUT of a gun case you MUST have a blocker on it. I suggest having at least 3. Bang Kills - You may not shoot anyone under 10 feet away, and must announce "BANG,BANG" in a loud voice at EACH person you attempt to shoot. This is a safety rule and not a primary killing method. Your weapon must be pointed at the target, be functional, and have bbs in the magazine. Dead batteries, out of ammo, or non-functioning gun do not count. BLIND Firing is NOT allowed, you MUST be able to see your target from your sights, or shooting from the hip. Riccochets do NOT count as hits. BLIND Man is when a players goggles come of their face for some reason, and will result in am immediate cease fire by all players while yelling "blindman" Referees will resolve the problem, and resume the game. BB hits on your weapon or your body will result in "killing" you- yell "HIT" in a loud voice, put a "dead rag" on your head, then you must go to a spawn point (usually a flag) or be medic ed. Red DEAD RAG s are required, and must be at least 10"x10" square. Laser sights are not permitted. Spawn Camping is NOT allowed, you must stay 100 feet away from opposing team respawn point/flag, unless specific game rules permit it. Dead men do not talk! Boffer weapons will ONLY be used during specific themed events, such as a Zombie Apocalypse game. No real steel knives or bayonets will be allowed on the field. Rubber knives may NOT be thrown, but MAY be used to silently kill another player by tapping them lightly on the arm with it and announcing "knife kill" Grenades may be used, provided they are Thunder B or V, Tornadoes, Claymores, or the Enola Gaye exploding type. Only commercially made grenades for airsoft are allowed. Grenades have a 1 time use per game. Thunder B/Vs MUST have a core, but do not HAVE to explode. Kill radius is 10 feet, and if grenades are rolling are considered to go off when stopped. If you are behind cover, you're not dead. If in a building, it must go into a window or doorway to kill, otherwise a wall is considered "cover". Nerf "rockets" shot from a bazooka or anti tank launcher or mortar may NOT be shot directly at players, only at building bunkers or vehicles. Smoke grenades may be used, but not INSIDE buildings. The village is semi only, the only exception being crew served machine guns which may be used at a range of 50 feet or greater. You may not shoot or put grenades thru holes in a floor unless it is the stairwell, a gap in stair treads, or a trap door. When killed INSIDE a building, yell "DEAD MAN coming out" when opening the door to exit. You may NOT close shutters on the buildings, they must remain open. Doors may be open or closed. Stay off scaffolding, do not kick in doors, block doorways, stairwells, windows with anything. Do not move any objects in the buildings unless it is a game prop, or asked to do so by Travis. Fire extinguishers are located next to doors. There is NO yelling at other players, or arguing with refs about hit calls. If you have problems with other players, come see a referee. If you have issues with my refs or Event Staff, talk to Travis. Frequently, you may think you are hitting an opponent, when in reality your bbs are falling short, wide left or wide right. Adjust the gun hop up, or get closer to the target or let them get closer to you and re-engage. If the guy is wincing or bbs are noticeably bouncing off him, then yell for a Referee. There will be player refs on both teams or factions during games. They are there to enforce safety issues on their team ONLY, not the other team. Not taking hits/cheating, poor sportsmanship, removal of goggles for fogging are their main concern. They can confer with player refs on the other team for any issues. Shenanigans or horsing around such as wrestling, fighting or shooting your buddy at extreme close range is not allowed. Arguing with refs or shooting them will result in immediate ejection. Other issues with players such as cheating, vandalism, theft, repeated failure to follow posted safety rules will result in ejection from games, for an hour, all day, a month or permanently. Law enforcement may be contacted if necessary. I strongly encourage you to put your name on your property, such as grenades, magazines, Batteries, and battery chargers. Return found items on field to Referees. Found "Lost" items will be disposed of after 2 months. Leave the wildlife alone- do not kill my animals. Truck Wars games have a separate set of Rules. These rules may be revised at any time without prior notice..